Monday, February 3, 2014

Comparing, Surrendering, & Overcoming

         We often hear people saying, and we read it in the Bible, "Comparing yourselves among yourselves IS NOT WISE." And we all sit back and agree. Shake our heads and maybe even say "Amen." But then go ahead and do it anyway.
         Yeah, I'm not perfect either! I do it too. We walk into a crowd and immediately start comparing everyone. So, I'm better than that person over there, they did this and that and the other thing. But you know that person, yeah, they're really nice. They are so kind and loving, they seem to genuinely love everyone! I love having friends like that- I guess I'm just gonna avoid that other person as much as possible and hang out over here, cause surely I'm better than them and everyone would come in and see me talking to them- I'd get dumped in with that group of naughty little brats too! I don't want to be like that!  
          When we think like that, we feel superior to someone. We feel like we've got everything under control, our ball is rolling smoothly and if we do become "un-proud" enough to go talk to those certain individuals over there... the likely-hood of our ride becoming quite rough is very high!
           But then there's also the aspect that- you walk into a crowd of people and go sit in the corner all by yourself, because you don't feel good enough for any of them. They probably wouldn't have time to hear about all the BORING stuff that happens in my life and everything that interests me, because they are "part of the inside group" and of course, me, nope, I couldn't be part of any inside group if I tried, cause I think differently than everyone else. I like different things... Then we start feeling inferior and tell ourselves we are good-for-nothing jerks.
           The truth is that- We are neither inferior or superior to anyone. God made us all equal and if we are right standing with God. Nothing like that should bother us. I'm not saying we won't be temped to think that, but that is Satan coming to make us feel that way.
           One way to get rid of a thought like that- or any thought that comes creeping in from Satan is, to tell Jesus about it, tell Him, "Jesus, I give You this thought- I surrender it to Your obedience." You may have to do it several times, maybe even all day, hopefully not, but Satan is persistent! He comes slipping in like a lion on our peaceful thoughts and destroys all the peace we once had. It works. I use it, alot. And then Satan still comes in and says, "You're just telling yourself a BIG lie! You are still a GOOD-FOR-NOTHING JERK! No-one could care what happens to you anyway! They don't want to hear anything out of you- just keep your mouth closed and you'll be JUST FINE."
           Say it again, "Jesus, I give you this thought- I surrender it to Your obedience." We are over-comers in Christ. In Him we can do anything!

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